Python operator
what is operator ?
A operator is a symbol (like +, /, *,< , > , etc. ) which is used to perform some operation between two operand (on which operation is have to perform).
ex 2+5 , 2 < 5
why we choose operator topic for our first article ?
so the answer is before getting started with python variables we should have some knowledge of operator and so that we can perform some operation on them.
python supports many types of operators and some of them are as follows :
- Arithmetic Operator
- Relation operator
- Identity Operators
- Logical operator
- Assignment operator
We will discuss each one by one .
1. Arithmetic Operator :
These operators are used for
arithmetical / mathematical calculation like addition , division ,etc.
Arithmetic Operator available with python are :
+ : for addition
- : for subtraction
/ : division
// : floor division / Integer
% : modulo / Remainder
* : multiplication .
** : exponentiation .
lets use some of them and perform some operations
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>>> 2+5
>>> 2-6
>>> 3*6
>>> 6/3
>>> 6//3
>>> 5%2
if you write 2+5 and press enter key the output of that expression is printed on the next line .
Note : if you use multiple operators in one expression (like : 20*5+4-10 )
, you can use parentheses to clarify the sequence of operations. otherwise
python applies its order of precedence.
# Order of precedence for arithmetic expressions
Order Operator Direction
** Left to right
* , / , // , % Left to right
+ , - Left to right
2. Relation operator :
These operators are used to find out the relation between two values .
Relation like , which value is bigger , which is lower etc.
Relational operator available with python are :
< less than
relational operator
> Greater than
relational operator
< = less than equal to
relational oprator
> = Greater than equal
to relational operator
!= Not equal
== equal
Note: when the result of relational
operator is correct it will return True otherwise False
( True and False are Boolean operator )
Code to demonstrate Relational Operator working.
>>> 2 < 5 True >>> 3 > 6 False >>> 3 != 5 True >>> 3 == 3 True >>> 2 <= 5 True >>>
3. Logical Operators :
Logical operators in Python are used for conditional statements are true or false. Logical operators in Python are AND, OR and NOT. For logical operators following condition are applied.
- For AND operator – It returns TRUE if both the operands (right side and left side) are true
- For OR operator- It returns TRUE if either of the operand (right side or left side) is true
- For NOT operator- returns TRUE if operand is false
>>> 2 < 4 and 4 >1
>>> 1 != 3 and 5<=10
>>> 1 != 3 or 5>10
>>> not 1==3
4. Identity Operators :
To compare the memory location of two objects, Identity Operators are used.
The two identify operators used in Python are (is, is not).
- is: It returns true if two variables point the same object and false otherwise
- is not: It returns false if two variables point the same object and true otherwise
Code to demonstrate Identity Operator working.
>>> 3 is 4
>>> 3 is 3
>>> 3 is not 6
5. Assignment operator :
assignment operator is used to assign some value to a variable
= :
so what is variable and data-type ?
you will get it answer in next Article ..
This Article is Contributed by Yogesh singh .
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