Listbox that Gives suggestion
Tkinter Listbox that Gives suggestion.
Hey Guys , welcome to this Tkinter Blog .
In this Blog we will create a Tkinter Listbox which gives suggestion according to the values on a entry box.
It is like a autocomplete entry box which suggestion are comes into listbox.
Let me show you how it works.
As you can see in the video when we write some words in the entry box the listbox gives suggestion according to the entry box values.
So lets code it .
# Tkinter - Dynamic Coding
# listbox that gives suggestion
# import libraries .....
from tkinter import *
# Function for checking the
# key pressed and updating
# the listbox
def checkkey(event):
value = event.widget.get()
# value = val.get() # or you can use this ...
# get data from l
if value == '':
data = l
data = []
for item in l:
if value.lower() in item.lower():
# update data in listbox
def update(data):
# clear previous data
lb.delete(0, 'end')
# put new data
for item in data:
lb.insert('end', item)
def go(event):
cs = lb.get(ANCHOR)
# Driver code
l = ('C','C++','Java',
'PHP','ASP','JS' ,'HTML','Go')
root = Tk()
root.title("Dynamic Coding")
val = StringVar()
#creating text box
e = Entry(root,textvariable=val)
e.bind('', checkkey)
#creating list box
lb = Listbox(root,bd=3,relief='groove')
lb.bind('<<ListboxSelect>>', go)
The above code will create a suggestion list box for your entry box ..
you can check out our Tkinter tutorial series .
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