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Making working Piano using python

     How to make a Piano using Tkinter and                      pygame  module in python

In this project we are using some basics of pygame  and  if you know about Tkinter module , you will appreciate this project.

Like every project we have to import some modules for working

For GUI of the project  I use Tkinter and for playing music we are using Pygame.

>>> from Tkinter import *  # for GUI

>>> import pygame # for music

NOTE : pygame is not a built-in library so first install it before using  it.

" The logic behind this project is  when the key button is pressed a function is called which plays a music tone according to the button which is pressed ."

The GUI will look like this ...
you can add the music tone as you want but if you want to use those tones which i use in my projects you can go to the given link and also get the source code for my project.


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