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Notebook / tabbed Widget in tkinter.ttk

ttk :: Notebook Widget

Notebook widget is a widget of tkinter.ttk class and it is used for creating tab in your GUI .

Notebook widget is also known as tabbed widget because of it output.

So lets Code.
# Tkinter - Dynamic Coding
# Image on canvas widget ..

# Import Library
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import ttk
main = Tk()
main.title('Dynamic Coding - Notebook')
# Defines and places the notebook widget
nb = ttk.Notebook(main)
nb.pack(expand=1, fill="both")

# Adds tab 1 of the notebook
page1 = ttk.Frame(nb)
nb.add(page1, text='Tab1')
# Adds tab 2 of the notebook
page2 = ttk.Frame(nb)
nb.add(page2, text='Tab2')

# Adding contents on frame .

Label(page1,text='You are in Frame 1.',font=('arail',15,'bold')).pack(pady=100)

Label(page2,text='You are in Frame 2.',font=('arail',15,'bold')).pack(pady=100)

How the code works .

In the Above code first we create a Notebook widget instance named nb and pack it.
After that we create 2 frames and add each frame one by one using nb.add( ) method of notebook.

📓Note : You can only add Frame to a Notebook object not all widgets.


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