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Adding Image on Tkinter Canvas

Image on Tkinter Canvas.

Welcome back to another blog on tkinter , In This blog you will learn how to add image on tkinter canvas widget using create_image function and lots more about it .


canvas.create_image(x,y,image = image_file,anchor )

  • The x and y denotes at which  distance from x and y axis the image should be placed.
  • image = image_file , takes the image object as argument which is created using photoimage method .
  • anchor means which part of the image you want to display , anchor option have multiple values .

possible values of anchor option are.

So lets code .
# Tkinter - Dynamic Coding
# Image on canvas widget ..

# Import Library
from tkinter import *

root = Tk()
root.title("Dynamic Coding")

can = Canvas(root,height=200,width=250)

# Adding image ...

# creating a photoimage object ....
img = PhotoImage(file='C:\\Users\\alex\\Desktop\\Python-logo.png')
# it is complusary to use double backward slashes \\ for window users .

can.image = img  # optional ..

# can.image = img is used when you are continuosly changing the image of canvas .



Instead of NW if we pass CENTER the output is like.

you can check out our Tkinter tutorial series .
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