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Introduction to Python

Introduction to Python .

python is one of the famous language used for Machine Learning and Data Science .
Instead of this Python have many advantages and it is used almost all technology fields .
Python is used by worlds top companies including Google , IBM, Disney as well and in future it may be produced many jobs and better income .
 So in this article we will discuss all about python , its uses ,advantages as well as its disadvantages and at last why a beginner choose python as its first programming language .

In this article we are not discussing about how much salary a python programmer gets or how many jobs python produces every year, we will only focus only on the skills .

History :

The python programming language was developed in the 1990s by  Guido van rossum   of neitherlands.  It was intended to be a simple, intuitive language that is as powerful as a traditional language, and it succeded at that.
Guido named the language Python because he was a big fan of  " Monty Python's Flying Circus ," so he named his languages Python ( quite weird !) .

Advantages of python :
some of the basic advantage sof python is .
  1. Easy 
  2. Dynamic Typed 
  3. Iteractive
  4. Interpreted
  5. Modular
  6. Object-oriented // multi paradigm
  7. Open-source 
  8. Portable
  9. High level
  10. General Purpose 
Dis-advantages of python :
  1. Weak in Mobile Computing
  2. Run-time Errors
  3. Slow in Speed 
Python is a robust programming language and provides an easy usage of the code lines, maintenance can be handled in a great way, and debugging can be done easily too. 

Uses of python :

you can use python programming language at almost all fields like .
  • Moble Application
  • DeskTop application
  • web development
  • Data Handling
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Machine Learning
  • Game Development  and lots more ..

why python is a great First language :
python has a simple syntax that's is easier to read and use than most other languages.
Python has most of the features of traditional programming languages. As a result, you can use python to learn the concept and skills that apply to those languages too.
Python is open source and old as well with a strong community of developers so if you are facing and error in python then you can get 100+ solutions on internet .

 Is python is actually a Programming language :
 The answer is no , Python is a scripting Language which is a part or you can say subset of programming language.

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This Article is Contributed by Yogesh singh .
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