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Toplevel Widget in tkinter

Tkinter : Toplevel widget

Tkinter Toplevel widget is used to create a new window .
The toplevel widget is used when a python application needs to represent some extra information, pop-up, or the group of widgets on the new window.

The Toplevel widget have same attributes and methods like Tkinter Tk( ) root's .

Syntax :
w = Toplevel(options)   

So let's code :

# tkinter : Dynamic Coding
# TopLevel ......

# import modules
from tkinter import *

def func():
	# function defination
	# creating a new window ....
	top = Toplevel(root)

	# adding widgets to new window  ....
	btn = Button(top,text='new window')

root = Tk()
root.title("Dynamic Coding")

# Create button for calling function
btn = Button(root,text='Create new window',command=func)


Evert time when you press the Button of root window a new window is created .

List of Toplevel Attributes / options :

bg : It represents the background color of the window.

bd : It represents the border size of the window.

cursor : The mouse pointer is changed to the cursor type set to the arrow, dot, etc. when the mouse is in the window.

class_ : The text selected in the text widget is exported to be selected to the window manager. We can set this to 0 to make this behavior false.

font : The font type of the text inserted into the widget.

fg : The foreground color of the widget.

height : It represents the height of the window.

relief : It represents the type of the window.

width : It represents the width of the window.

List of Toplevel Methods  :

deiconify() : This method is used to display the window.

frame() : It is used to show a system dependent window identifier.

group(window) : It is used to add this window to the specified window group.
iconify() It is used to convert the toplevel window into an icon.

protocol(name, function) : It is used to mention a function which will be called for the specific protocol.

state() : It is used to get the current state of the window. Possible values are normal, iconic, withdrawn, and icon.

transient([master]) : It is used to convert this window to a transient window (temporary).

withdraw() : It is used to delete the window but doesn't destroy it.

maxsize(width, height) It is used to declare the maximum size for the window.

minsize(width, height) :  It is used to declare the minimum size for the window.

positionfrom(who) : It is used to define the position controller.

resizable(width, height) : It is used to control whether the window can be resizable or not.

sizefrom(who) : It is used to define the size controller.

title(string) : It is used to define the title for the window.

This Article is Contributed by Yogesh singh .
Share your suggestions and feedback in comment sections.

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