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Introduction of JAVA and its Features.

JAVA :- Java was introduced in 1996 January, but it was started by Sun Micro-System in 1991. At that time Sun Micro-System had a requirement to prepare a software electronic consumer devices in 1991.

The need a programming language to prepare those devices. 30 Member team with JAMES GOSLLING and PETTER NAUGHTON starts green project. 

For this project they need a simple programming language, i.e is simple, type coded & architectural neutral programming language.

NOTE:- JAVA is not pure oops because it does not support all oops features. Such as:- Multiple Inheritance and Operator Overloading.

  • Small Talk, Simula are two example of oops....

  • Simple:- JAVA has eliminated all the confusion oriented feature like multiple inheritance, operator overloading, Pointer.
  • Object Oriented:- JAVA is object oriented programming language because it able to store the data in the foam of objects.
  • Platform Independent:- JAVA is platform independent programming language, because it able to allow its application to compile on one operating system  and it will run on another operating system.
  •  Architectural neutral:- JAVA is architectural neutral programming language because it able to allow its application to compile one hardware is run to another hardware architectural system.

           WINDOW    MAC        LINUX     SOLARIS
                 (JVM)                        (JVM)                       (JVM)                        (JVM)


                        (byte code)    (Intermediate code)                                                                                                             
                      (JAVA Compiler)  ↑


BYTE Code:- Compiled version of JAVA program.

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